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Omicron’s Punch to Scholarly Associations

Groups planning annual gatherings in the coming weeks grapple with the Omicron variant. Most are proceeding with in-person conferences, touting extra safety precautions and more options for participation.

The New Ph.D.s

Annual Survey of Earned Doctorates shows drop in number of Ph.D.s awarded in 2020. It’s still too early to tell how COVID-19 impacted Ph.D. attainment, however.

Looking to Be Made Whole

Michigan State University faculty members don’t just want their COVID-19–related cuts to pay and benefits reversed—they want them returned.

Making the Mentor and Mentee Match (infographic)

Successful connections between students and mentors often require careful thinking about which individuals are likely to be a good pair. Follow these 10 matchmaking tips.

Looking for Answers

Rutgers University at Camden arts and sciences professors want to know why their beloved dean was fired abruptly. They didn’t get much of an explanation during a meeting with their chancellor, making an already rocky relationship worse.

Black and Brown Students Want Black and Brown Mentors. What’s a Primarily White Institution to Do?

S. Brooke Vick from Muhlenberg College shares three ways mentoring efforts can support students of color.

To Reduce Inequality on College Campuses, Invest in Relationships

Proactive student support and mentorship culture is undervalued in academia, writes Becca Spindel Bassett, who studies inequity in higher ed.

Students Need Mentors, and More Help in Making Those Connections

Nine strategies and tactics for ensuring more students desire a mentor and expanding opportunities for connection.