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Ep. 99: Designing Courseware to Produce Equitable Outcomes

Early insights from new "gateway" courses in chemistry and statistics aimed at closing attainment gaps for underrepresented students.

Ep. 98: Streamlining and Scaling Transfer for Equity’s Sake

This week’s episode explores how university systems are working to improve student mobility between and among institutions.

Bonus Episode: Campus interview with Stevens Institute of Technology Dean of Undergraduate Education Eve Riskin

Enjoy this bonus episode featuring a Campus interview with Stevens Institute of Technology Dean of Undergraduate Education Eve Riskin.

Bonus Episode: Campus Interview with Montclair State's Jonathan Koppell

In this interview, Montclair State University president Jonathan Koppell talks about accessibility for minoritized groups, the power of creative communication and why he thinks universities need to own their part in the public’s diminishing trust in higher education.

Ep. 97: Promoting Student Well-Being in Today's Learning Environments

A discussion of the special challenges and strategies for the growing numbers of students who are studying fully or partially online.

Ep. 96: Creating Higher Ed Experiences That Transform Lives

How can colleges ensure that all students emerge with a sense of agency and purpose that improves their well-being decades later?

Ep. 95: Redefining Mental Health for Today’s College Students

Feeling distress isn’t itself a sign of trouble; inability to manage it is. A panel of experts discusses this and other pressing issues.

Ep. 94: Higher Ed’s Longtime Chief Lobbyist, Unplugged

Terry Hartle talks about the state of U.S. politics, higher ed policy making, and colleges’ role in the culture wars as he concludes 30 years of advocacy for colleges.