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Lacking AC, Students Swelter in Record Heat
Dorms without air-conditioning are common even at the most selective colleges. But as summers get longer and hotter, many see AC less as a luxury than a necessity.
Campus Engagement Tip: Promote Effective Club Leadership Models
To promote student participation, higher education practitioners can encourage well-organized student programming groups to carry on traditions and maintain a defined mission.
Tufts RAs Strike During Move-In
UC Santa Cruz’s Admissions Gamble
The university admitted a record number of students this year despite a tight local housing market. But in the end, officials expect to increase head count by only about 730 students.
Chaos at New College of Florida
With the start of the semester two weeks away, students are grappling with absent professors, canceled classes and severe housing woes.
Rental Increases are Slowing Down—Except in Student Housing
Rental prices for off-campus purpose-built student housing are growing faster than rents for other nearby units. At institutions already short on housing, students are really feeling the squeeze.
Pizza-Hauling Robots and App Ordering as Campus Dining Goes High Tech
Amid the tech flashiness of automated dining services, institutions are looking to meet student expectations while growing income and efficiency as enrollment weakens.
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