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Conferencing Critically in a COVID-19 World

Remote or hybrid conferences solve a lot of problems but bring other downsides that are underdiscussed, Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler write.

Fighting Over Money

The University of Alaska system claims negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement have hit an impasse. Faculty argue that negotiations are ongoing and UA may be violating state law.

Diversity Statements Are the New Faith Statements

The diversity statements secular colleges increasingly require of faculty candidates have many similarities to the faith statements long required by religious institutions, Justin P. McBrayer writes.

Pandemic at the Conference

They came. They saw. They got COVID-19.

Another Broken Promise

Palestinian scholar accuses San Francisco State of reneging on her hiring agreement and repeatedly failing to grant resources for her Arab studies program. Supporters say this is far from the first time the university has recruited scholars under false pretenses.

Formerly Imprisoned Students Struggle to Shed Their Past

The stigma of incarceration often complicates admissions, membership in academic organizations and professional licensure, restricting individuals for years after their release from prison.

Cutting Faculty Salaries by Executive Order

University of Missouri system continues to defend the president’s right to cut individual faculty pay by 25 percent, but professors wonder how far the policy will go—and at what greater costs.

Colleges Cope With IT Staff Flight in Wake of Pandemic

With information technology skills in high demand across industries, many colleges are finding they can’t hold on to talent.