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Ex–BYU Professor Pleads No Contest to Groping

A former Brigham Young University professor has said he “intentionally touched the buttocks of three adult women … I should...
Four Pitt students stand on a balcony holding placards protesting the administration's slow response in notifying them of a reported active shooter threat.

Alerting Students to Danger

After a swath of swatting incidents hit universities across the country, some students are taking issue with how and when their institutions notified them of the threats.

Univ. of Florida Quietly Removes Crime Data From Website

The University of Florida quietly took off-line nearly eight years of crime data, leaving only information about crimes committed on...
Two police officers walk through the University of Chicago campus.

Colleges Fall Victim to Fake Shooter Threats

Nearly two dozen colleges have fallen victim to “swatting” threats in recent weeks. Public safety officials say they must be treated as real; for students, they often feel that way.

A blurry crowd of people with an Asian woman in focus at the center

Is Gun Violence Scaring Off International Students?

Campus shootings have become a major concern for those from abroad, particularly Asia. For many, a U.S. education is still worth the risk—but experts say each incident makes recruitment harder.

Temple University President Resigns

Jason Wingard has stepped down after mounting pressures related to campus violence and workforce issues. His sudden resignation ends a tenure marked by controversy.

A ‘Policy Violation’ or Free Speech?

Several faculty leaders from Indiana University campuses wrote a letter opposing proposed state abortion legislation and defending a colleague. An IU official called it a “policy violation,” a new report reveals.

‘Incrementally’ Moving Away From Police

It’s not just cities and towns that have worked to reform their police practices since 2020. Some campuses are trying to incorporate alternative models, too.