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Avoiding ‘The Big Quit’ in the New Year

How can college leaders in 2023 begin to re-engage their employees in the midst of increasing disengagement and departures? Brandon L. Wolfe offers some suggestions.

The Great Resignation at Community Colleges

Community colleges underwent major staffing losses during the pandemic. Now they’re suffering from the ripple effects, and campus leaders are trying desperately to recruit.

Could Reducing ‘Sludge’ Increase Faculty Morale?

Ever had to wait forever to speak with someone to report a simple problem? If so, then you know exactly what sludge is and how infuriating it can be, Kevin Van Winkle writes.

The Great Resignation… or the Great Surrender?

With higher ed facing so many steep challenges, it’s not the time to quit, Bob Massa and Bill Conley write.

Colleges Look to Staffing Firms to Allow Remote Work

To address the legal questions and potential HR issues that can arise when employees move across state lines, some universities partner with third-party firms to keep employees on the payroll from afar.

Higher Ed’s Hiring Woes

Recruiting and retention challenges are hitting colleges, according to numerous panels at the National Association of College and University Business Officers conference.

Calling It Quits

It remains unclear just how many professors are leaving their jobs during the Great Resignation, but stories about who is leaving, and why, abound. Will institutions be forced to respond with real change?

Benefits & Challenges of Hybrid/Remote Alt-Ac Work (Take 2)

A friendlier format for readers to help think about the new alternative-academic way of working.