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Southern California Colleges Prepare for Hurricane

Colleges and universities across Southern California canceled in-person classes and made other preparations for the unusual West Coast hurricane that...
A photo of Rutgers-Newark Chancellor Nancy Cantor

Popular Chancellor Is Ousted, and No One Is Saying Why

After 10 years as chancellor, Nancy Cantor of Rutgers-Newark will not have her contract renewed next year. Faculty and local leaders are angry.

Zoom logo, contract, exclamation mark and question mark and megaphone

Zoom’s Changing Stances on AI and User Data Have Faculty Alarmed

Faculty members joined the social media outrage over Zoom’s ambiguity on using data to feed its AI and machine learning platforms. 


7 Questions About the University as Workplace

Some things I don’t know about working in higher education.

A photo of a "for lease" sign in a window

Reconfiguring Campus in the Remote Work Era

With fewer employees on site, many colleges are seeking to repurpose disused campus spaces. In some cases that means shedding leases that can save millions of dollars.

A photo illustration of five college presidents who recently resigned, two of them women, all of them white

Why Are So Many College Presidents Resigning?

Recent data indicate college presidential terms are getting shorter. Those findings were illustrated by five sudden presidential departures in late July.

An image of a stethoscope and a human brain, depicting the concept of mental health.

College Mental Health Counselors Aren’t OK

Long-standing failures to invest adequately in college counseling centers have left mental health professionals burned out and feeling that their roles on campus are neither appreciated nor understood, Philip J. Rosenbaum and Richard E. Webb write.

A wooden cube has a subtraction sign on one face and a subtraction sign on another. A hand flips the cube away from the addition sign in favor of the subtraction sign.

Leadership by Subtraction

We don’t ask often enough how we can effect change on our campuses by doing less, Sharon L. Gaber writes.