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Colleges Award Tenure: Goucher, Sacred Heart, U of Nebraska

The following colleges have recently awarded tenure to these professors. Goucher College Thomas Narock, data science Gillian Starkey, psychology Charlee...
A statue of Thomas Jefferson in front of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

Tenure Is a Founding American Value

Florida lawmakers can either attack academic freedom or defend American constitutional traditions—but they can’t do both, Adam Sitze writes.

A photo of the Texas Capitol building.

A Texas Trilogy of Anti-DEI, Tenure Bills

Three Texas bills would end tenure, force universities to fire professors who “attempt to compel” certain beliefs and ban what the legislation defines as diversity, equity and inclusion programming. The State Senate has already passed one.

New College Faculty Asked to Drop Tenure Bids

Richard Corcoran, the interim president of New College of Florida, has asked seven faculty members to relinquish their bids for...
Downward arrow showing financial trend

Historic Faculty Pay Increase Still Beaten by Inflation

Continued inflation consumed even the largest average salary increase in more than 30 years, the AAUP reports.

N.D. Senate Narrowly Rejects Bill on Firing Tenured Faculty

The North Dakota Senate on Friday narrowly rejected the bill that would’ve let the presidents of two state institutions review...

What Happens in Florida…

Governor DeSantis is leading an assault on the state’s public higher education institutions, Andrew Gothard writes.

Firing Tenured Faculty, With No Appeal Right

North Dakota’s House majority leader has filed legislation that would let the presidents of Dickinson State, Bismarck State and perhaps other colleges review tenured faculty at any time—and fire them, with no employee power to appeal.