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Disincentive for Distance Learning

Under new GI Bill, veterans who study solely online won't be eligible for housing allowance that traditional students receive. Is privileging the on-campus experience overly romantic, or smart policy?

Toward an All E-Textbook Campus

Northwest Missouri State U., which rents books to students, experiments with electronic formats, with ambitions to go digital as publishers do.

With Budget Crunch Hitting IT, Time to Rethink Role?

Colleges' information technology budgets aren't immune to the economic downturn, and some CIOs see opportunity to streamline priorities and recast their mission.

With Students Flocking Online, Will Faculty Follow?

As demand continues to grow, colleges are still mulling how online teaching fits into the scheme of things, with competing models for supporting (and paying) faculty.

Maelstrom Over Metadata

A change in policy for how libraries can use and share online catalog data is causing a backlash among open-access proponents and some librarians.

As Economy Wavers, Online Enrollments Climb

Annual study finds double-digit gains in online education, in part due to fuel costs, surprising some who predicted the rate would eventually flatten.

Taking Facebook Back to Campus

In what could be the next significant shift for social networking in higher education, an upcoming Facebook app will help colleges track students, alumni and potential applicants.

Open Access or Faux Access?

Anthropology association -- criticized by scholars for use of subscription model -- says it has embraced idea of making digital material free. But you have to wait 35 years.