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Med School Applications and Enrollments Jump

Number of applicants rises by 8 percent and enrollees hit a record, as medical schools expand their classes in push to increase production of doctors.

The Nursing Education Dilemma

Colleges are producing an increasing number of nursing graduates, but who will teach them?

Tough Job, No Easy Cures

Medical deans are well paid, but study finds their average tenure is half that of college presidents.

A Faculty of One

While most Harper College nursing students have multiple professors, those in a new program learn mainly from a single source.

A Push for Public Health

Impending retirements at time of cascading crises prompt expansion in college programs in the field.

A Call for More Doctors

Medical college association calls for a 30% increase in enrollments, to be achieved at existing schools and new ones.

New Requirement for Med Schools

At more institutions, admitted applicants face criminal background checks.