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Division in Christian Higher Ed

University quits Christian college group because it didn't kick out two members that have decided to permit the hiring of faculty members in same-sex marriages. Others may follow.

Forced to Choose

Bethel College tells faculty members they can't take leadership roles in groups that differ from church view on creation. Are Christian colleges cracking down on supporters of evolution?

Swastikas, Hate and Confusion

George Washington U is taking action against Jewish student who posted a symbol he brought back from India. Other campuses are accused of not doing enough about the hateful use of the image.

Not in Our Name

Hillel chapter at Swarthmore votes to change its name after its parent organization threatened legal action regarding Israel-related programming.

Jews Need Not Apply?

UCLA student government panel, interviewing candidate for judicial post, initially rejected her for being Jewish and involved in Jewish groups.

Campus Anti-Semitism

Survey of Jewish students at American colleges finds surprising rates of perceived discrimination spanning different geographic, religious, political and other demographic characteristics.

Interfaith Interaction (or Lack Thereof)

Survey finds that U.S. students from majority religions feel more support on campuses than those from minority faith traditions -- and that very few students are frequently engaged in organized interfaith activities.

Is Carol Swain Charlie? or Hateful?

Vanderbilt professor sets off furor with her column criticizing Islam, attracting protesters who accuse her of hate speech -- and a failed counter-protest by a former star of "Saturday Night Live."