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UC Faculty: Keep Tests, for Now

The University of California's Academic Senate declines to endorse test-optional admissions policies for the system.

Education Deserts

New report examines access to postsecondary opportunities by ZIP code, questions the impact of free college and says for-profit institutions fill gaps between public colleges.

Flagships Fail on Financial Equity

Most public flagship universities are failing to meet the financial needs of low- and middle-income students, a report finds, and are overly subsidizing wealthier students.

Race, Geography and Degree Attainment

Residents of rural counties typically are much less likely to hold a college degree, new analysis finds, and urban and suburban areas often feature wide attainment gaps across racial lines.

‘Higher Ed’s Most Important Watchdog’?

Two new governors want to raise the profile of state coordinating boards, but legislators and public flagship universities may balk at the idea.

Universities Team Up on Completion

Public university group brings together 130 universities and systems in 16 "clusters" that will seek to improve student access and completion while curbing equity gaps.

Less Accessible, Less Affordable

Two new reports find public universities less affordable for low-income students and less accessible for members of minority groups.

Illinois Looks to Chicago for Research Site

An ambitious research effort spanning much of Illinois has its eyes set on Chicago as a new "hub" that could bring together the state's largest public and private universities.