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Universities Must Do More to Address the Climate Emergency

In the face of unprecedented crises, we should be collaborating more with the youth movement to bring about significant and lasting systemic change, Santa Ono and Grace Nosek urge.

Sovereignty Through Sustainability

President Biden has requested money to help tribal colleges transition to renewable energy. While tribal colleges have the will and drive to invest in sustainable infrastructure, there are likely to be some challenges along the way.

The Campus After COVID No. 1

The pandemic recovery may involve reimagining campuses with unused spaces as community hubs and large-scale resource centers, writes Mike Aziz.

The Campus After COVID No. 2

Unlike those with excess space, some colleges haven't had access to enough affordable property, writes Michael Tyre. The pandemic has provided a once-in-a-generation opportunity to expand.

The Power of Now for Higher Education

Although our natural instincts as college leaders are to go into hibernation until the pandemic passes, now is the time for us to lean into the work that we do, writes Mark Zupan.

Carnegie Mellon Makes Global Goals Local

The university conducts a review of how its teaching, research and practices are aligned with United Nations-adopted sustainable development goals.

Campuses Reckon With Racist Past

College leaders are reconsidering the names of campus buildings and monuments that memorialize white supremacists, in reaction to the current movement against racial injustice.

Portraits of Diversity

In the wake of controversies over Confederate monuments and the names of buildings, Edward C. Halperin explores the best way to capture history on a college or university's walls.