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Write Your Own Syllabus

You won’t regret doing the work that matters most.

The Humanities Will Never Die Redux

In the aftermath of the Succession finale, the public scholars of the world take to the internet.

We Can Help Students Think

What we allowed to pass for thinking probably wasn’t. It’s not too late to change.

We Can (and Should) Do Better Than the AP Exam

A Q&A with Annie Abrams, author of a new book challenging the power of the College Board and its AP exams.


Being Authentically Approachable

Being human is being approachable.

Structure Your Way to Engagement

Engagement requires freedom, but too much freedom results in inaction. The solution: structure.

Guest Post: Our Grading System Gets an F

What if the F doesn’t mean what we think it means? David Eubanks unpacks what it means when a student “fails.”


ChatGPT and Writing Assessment, an Old Problem Made New

When it comes to assessing student writing, ChatGPT merely makes an enduring problem more apparent.