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Testing, Testing

While ETSs paper backs national measures of student outcomes, a discussion reveals differences with U.S. commission's approach.

'Engagement' and the Underprepared

By now, it is widely accepted that curricular efforts to "engage" students -- to involve them deeply in the process...

New Model for Scholarly Publishing

Rice killed its press a decade ago. Now it will return -- with all materials online, but with peer review system akin to print operations.

Accountability Proposal Evolves

State college groups flesh out plan for members to make public a "bundle of information" about learning climate and student outcomes.

A Win-Win on Health Benefits

Calif. community college district is using bonds to provide retiree benefits -- and to free up money for current faculty members.

No College Left Behind?

As federal panel talks of testing what students learn, college officials accept accountability but fear a national mandate.

Unions for Private College Part-Timers

Collective bargaining at Syracuse U. represents a growing movement, say organizers.

New Book Offers Guide to Organizing Adjuncts

Author of "Reclaiming the Ivory Tower" offers his views on activism and collective bargaining for contingent faculty members.