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How Faculty Think About OER

Open educational resources have grown a lot in the past decade, but many faculty members remain skeptical of the benefits...

An Unending Copyright Dispute

Appeals court ruling continues decade-long legal battle between Georgia State University and three publishers over what constitutes "fair use" of course materials. Does anyone still care about the outcome?

OER Report Highlights Potential for Quality and Cost Savings

Earlier this month Achieving the Dream released a full report on the outcomes of its OER Degree Initiative, which has...

Single Project Earns Federal OER Pilot Grant

Updated: Education Department awards $4.9 million to a 12-institution consortium led by UC Davis for open STEM textbooks. Advocates push for spreading the wealth for next year's round of funding.

OER Champion Playbook Offers Guide to Adoption

Lumen Learning released yesterday an OER Champion Playbook that offers a road map for supporters of open course materials to...

The End of a Blogging Era at Harvard

As one of the first university-hosted blogging platforms prepares to wind down, concerns arise about the fate of its archives.

Fellows Following Up

A program designed to engage provosts in digital learning has catalyzed efforts on individual campuses and engagement among regional groups of institutions.

Applications Open for Federal OER Grant

After a few quiet months, the Department of Education has formalized plans to award one to three OER grants totaling $5 million by late September.