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Not a Small World After All

MLA report shows 6.7 percent drop in language enrollments after decades of growth.

Major Exodus

English departments at U. of Maryland and elsewhere respond to drop-offs -- some of them steep -- in English majors.

Doing Themselves In?

If the liberal arts are dying, who's to blame? Speakers at conference say advocates of a broad education need to look inward.

The Reluctant Pragmatist

Is making a practical case for the liberal arts necessary, or a trap? Attendees at St. John's College conference differ in their opinions.

Faculty Work, Student Success

How the College of New Jersey reimagined what professors can do.

What Students Write

National study examines the nature of assignments -- and finds many of them lacking in creativity.

Humanities vs. STEM, Redux

New analysis shows that students earn more credits in the humanities than in STEM -- but that humanities majors and STEM majors rarely find themselves in the same classroom.

What's Expendable?

As many women's colleges move to admit men, Mary Baldwin tries to preserve a single-sex institution by building up professional and graduate programs. Some faculty fear the college is safeguarding one tradition by sacrificing another.