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The Evolving Curriculum

"The Evolving Curriculum -- Measuring Effectiveness of Change" is a compilation of articles and essays on efforts to reshape what...

Trigger Unhappy

Facing widespread faculty opposition, Oberlin drops policy requiring warnings about material that may be upsetting to students. Do students need such cautions?

The STEM Enrollment Boom

Since the recession, undergraduate enrollments have gone up dramatically, but primarily in engineering and biology and not at expense of humanities and social sciences, study finds.

Grappling With Global Learning

At gathering focused on global learning, faculty and others discuss diverse strategies for integrating it within the curriculum.

Taking a Stand for Science

After investigation of professor accused of promoting religious views in a science course, Ball State U.'s president says intelligent design shouldn't be taught in such classes.

Intelligent Hire?

Some say astronomy professor Guillermo Gonzalez's anti-evolution views are far outside the mainstream and question his hire by Ball State. Others say deserves a shot. Either way, he'll be under scrutiny.

The 'I' in FIU

Florida International University has embarked on an ambitious effort to internationalize the curriculum and assess students' global learning.

Educator or Historian?

American Historical Association highlights lack of pedagogical preparation in Ph.D. programs.