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Recession Hit 2008 Grads Hard

One year after graduation, the unemployment rate of 2008 bachelor’s degree recipients was roughly twice as high as graduating classes of 1993 and 2000.

Ready or Not

New surveys reveal big disparities in how business leaders and the public view higher education and graduates' work force readiness, with some surprising results.

Higher Ed Friend or Foe?

As colleges struggle to keep up with the new economy and employer demands, private companies are emerging to better position graduates for the work place, creating some tensions in academe.

Preparedness Paradoxes

New survey finds disagreement among students, businesses and college leaders over whether and how recent grads are prepared for work. But there is consensus on who's to blame: everybody.

Liberal Arts Grads Win Long-Term

Over the arc of a career, humanities and social science graduates earn as much or more than those in professional fields, new study shows, and are equally employed.

New Job for Career Services

New liberal arts programs expand career services to academic breaks, bringing students back on campus for job hook-ups and development workshops -- and footing the bill.

Measuring Other Outcomes

Largest-ever study of American graduates will look at quality-of-life measures beyond job attainment and compensation, but some question what it says about colleges.

Job Placement Confusion

More colleges are responding to pressure to report on graduates’ career outcomes – but the results are confusing and incomparable.