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Status Quo at NLRB

With two high-profile higher education cases under consideration, labor board says it will carry on as usual despite an appeals court's ruling that calls into question the legitimacy of its appointees.

Paternal Parental Leave

Male faculty members don't take paid parental leave as often as critics assert, even when their spouses also work.

Working Without Pay

Part-time faculty at a Michigan community college bridge the longer-than-usual gap between paychecks with a food drive supported by other campus faculty.

Journal Archive Opens Up (Some)

After a successful pilot, JSTOR is launching its Register & Read program, which lets anyone read up to three articles from 1,200 of its journals every two weeks in exchange for demographic information.

Strategic Job-Hunting

At MLA meeting, amid the frenzy and disappointment about lack of positions, some new Ph.D.s discuss paths to good careers (even if not those they once envisioned). Are grad programs providing any help?

English Down, Languages Up

Data released ahead of MLA convention set tone for hiring in the humanities this season.

Flipping the Job Search

Husband and wife on the faculty hiring market decide to post their requirements so that colleges can apply to employ them.

What Humanities Job Crisis?

The data suggest that things are improving, and that the worst shifts reflect larger societal changes, not academe, writes Chase F. Robinson.