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More Humanities Ph.D.s

New graduate enrollments show modest increases overall, but doctoral programs in the humanities -- where the academic job market remains tough -- are showing larger gains.

Recommendations for Letters

Professors can spend hours each week, or in some cases each day, writing letters of recommendation for graduate students seeking jobs and postdocs. MLA asks if this time could be better spent.

The Next Target

Adjuncts have widely been subjected to course load caps ahead of the Affordable Care Act. Could graduate students be next?

Merit Furloughs

Nevada faculty members want to know why the state is restoring bonus pay for some while requiring all professors to take 6 days of unpaid leave a year.

Do You Smoke? Pay $75 a Month

Penn State angered faculty when it mandated biometric tests for those on health insurance. Now it's charging extra to those who use tobacco. Faculty members -- including those who don't smoke -- are furious.

Unprofessional Tenure Denial?

American U. says it has track for those with non-academic careers who want to join the faculty. A suit charges that the university only values traditional academic credentials.

The Mom Penalty

A decadelong research initiative out of the University of California at Berkeley culminates in a detailed look at the effects of children on men's and women's academic careers.

Doctoring the Doctorate

Stanford pledges to pay for a master's in education for humanities Ph.D.s who want to become high school teachers.