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Me Studies

A faculty member drafts a fake job ad to consider what's wrong with higher ed today.

Pretext for Firing a Dissenter

Australian court threatens $2 million fine for university after concluding that it used finances as excuse to dismiss a professor for complaining about bullying tactics by her supervisor.

'Alt-Ac' Realities

Graduate students in the humanities rarely intend to pursue non-faculty careers -- but with more of them doing so, new survey suggests that doctoral programs may need to change.

Enthusiasm and Caution in Myanmar

New report offers recommendations for forming partnerships with universities in rapidly changing country.

Two Faculty Jobs at Once

How did an academic hold full-time jobs simultaneously at universities in Canada and Britain?

From Guantanamo to Mizzou?

Ex-Army psychologist -- credited with "cleaning up" Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib -- finds the stigma of both places hard to shake as he applies for new administrative role at University of Missouri at Columbia.

Don't Call Me That

Some adjuncts are asking students not to address them as "professor."

With Regrets

Senior Africana studies professors at Penn pledge to skip president's dinner, saying diversity push at Penn is more talk than action.