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Boilerplate and AI

This almost certainly will happen again.

Let’s Stop Talking About ChatGPT

And let’s do something instead. This is what I’m doing: a new course for people who ask students to write.

ChatGPT Is a Plague Upon Education

What winter of 2020 was for COVID-19, winter of 2023 is for ChatGPT—and higher education will never be the same, Jeremy Weissman writes.

Designing Assignments in the ChatGPT Era

Some instructors seek to craft assignments that guide students in surpassing what AI can do. Others see that as a fool’s errand—one that lends too much agency to the software.

When AI Is Writing, Who Is the Author?

The language of co-authorship, taken from OpenAI’s own terms and policies, can be useful in addressing the rise of AI writing in the classroom, Sean Ross Meehan writes.

With ChatGPT, We’re All Editors Now

Artificial intelligence should prompt a reorientation of writing instruction to focus more on critical reading and editing skills, Rachel Elliott Rigolino writes.

Worried About ChatGPT? Don’t Be

ChatGPT raises questions about what we value in writing instruction, Hetal Thaker writes.

AI Writing Detection: A Losing Battle Worth Fighting

Human- and machine-generated prose may one day be indistinguishable. But that does not quell academics’ search for an answer to the question “What makes prose human?”