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Veterans Turn Sights to 90-10 Rule

Veterans' organizations see negotiations over the Higher Education Act as an opportunity to tighten a federal exemption they say makes service members target of aggressive marketing by for-profit colleges.

Priming for Amazon

Two Virginia universities announced ambitious expansions when Amazon selected its second headquarters. Nine months on, Virginia Tech has made more progress than George Mason in securing funding.

Faster Loan Forgiveness for Disabled Veterans

Education Department says it will grant automatic loan forgiveness to disabled veterans -- a step that had been urged by Democrats and state attorneys general.

We Need a 'Communiversity' Model of Public Education

The economy requires an aggressive shift to a system, writes Kenneth Ender, where public colleges are stitched together with K-12 and local nonprofits and feature an electronic backbone of support.

Career Education's Incomplete Transformation

Although career and technical education has made gains in graduation rates and academic outcomes, a report warns about continuing struggles of traditional vocational students.

Community Colleges to Add New Apprenticeships to Work Force

AACC is helping community colleges answer President Trump's call for more apprenticeship programs and partnerships with businesses.

Online Enabler Aims for Lifelong Learning

2U adds boot camps to its offerings of online graduate degrees and courses with $750 million acquisition of Trilogy.

NSF's Foray Into Defining Job Skills

The federal agency is conducting a two-phase experiment to design tools to better understand career trajectories of its employees and the rest of the federal work force.